Like all fashionABLE products, these bracelets are named after one of the heroic women we work with. Tizita, who works at Entoto, is ABLE to achieve her dreams. Read on for more of her story...


"I was born in the country and came to Addis when I was 17. I got married and we had a healthy son. A few years later, my husband got very sick. As his situation worsened, we found out I was pregnant. We moved to live with my husband’s parents and they suggested that I get checked for HIV. The results came and it turned out that I had the virus, too. I felt like my world had ended and I stopped caring for the baby inside me. I was too sad to get medication to protect my unborn child, and I struggled in those dark days. My baby girl was born with HIV, and the guilty was eating me up.  Then, while I was trying to find work to pay for our growing medication costs, my husband passed away. // I left my older boy with his grandparents and found a shelter that gave me and my daughter a safe place to stay and get treated us with medicine. After a while, we re-checked my daughter for HIV and she was free from the virus! It was a miracle. I felt like I was given a second chance, and I had a new desire to work and support my family.  I found work with Entoto Beth Artisans, which has made me achieve my dreams and makes me the happiest! I’ve been promoted 2 times, and I am able to send my daughter to school and feed myself and support my older boy with his grandparents. I love my job and I want nothing more than to see my children grow & be successful."

Tizita's story is one of restoration + redemption. As you wear the bracelets we named in her honor, you, too, can carry that same message.

March 22, 2016 — Marisa Pardo